Best tips for voice search optimization to boost website ranking – part 2

Boost Website Ranking

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Typing isn’t convenient for everyone especially for the mobile users using Smartphone or Android with touch screen keypad. That’s why they prefer to economize the words and use very specific keywords instead of using the entire phrase. This is not the case when one searches something using the voice command. The users can easily use long phrases including main keywords, basic words and words denoting a question. An example can clarify the things:

If you want to find the best word press designer in Delhi here’s the search phrases that you will use
Text: Best interior Designer Delhi
Speech: Who is the best interior designer in Delhi near me?
There might also be some variations like “Where can I find the best interior designer in Delhi?” Or “Tell me the best interior designer in Delhi.”

3. Optimize your site for Q and A format

The people tend to use interrogative phrases while using voice search commands. So it is best to optimize your website for such queries. How to do that? You don’t have to perform any complicated exercise for that.

  • Just tweak the website content in the form of QandA wherever possible. The best thing is to create a specific FAQ page where you can add answers to as many meaningful and relevant questions as possible, especially the ones that are more likely to be asked by the users using voice search commands.
  • Obviously, you cannot use a pure Q and A format in the entire site but think wisely and figure out the pages where you can naturally place a few questions without giving it an awkward look. Some such pages are about us, products and services

4. Long form content with related keywords

According to one study, a significant number of top 5 search results contain 2000+ words- the long articles or epic posts. It shows the potential of long-form contents for enhancing your search engine ranking. So, long-form content is another strong way to rank higher in the voice search commands. It helps you to include a good number of information in your post that increases your chances of gaining a good ranking in various search queries related to that topic. Now here you can be puzzled that how can a person using a mobile can afford to read the large posts. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use a good number of headings and bullet points so that the user can easily choose and pick only the immediate information that he is looking for.
  • Avoid stretching the content without adding any extra value. In fact, such content can become shallow content, annoys the users and may even attract Google Penalties.
  • The best way to add meaningful length to your content is to think deeply explores multiple aspects of the subject on which you are writing. Think about the diverse questions that will come to the mind of your readers while reading your content and fetch the correct, updated information about the same.
  • During your research, it is also advisable to check for the influential bloggers of your field and read their blogs. It will help you come up with the best innovative ideas
  • It can also help you gain good traction in the social media as the top bloggers have a complete strategy of reaching maximum targeted users on the social media that eventually make their ideas a social talk. So by preparing your blog along the similar ideas, it would be easier or you to gain the social traction without too many efforts.

5. Avoid complex overflowing sentences

Avoid using long sentences, completed words or industry jargons. As already explained the people tend to use basic and natural language during voice search. Even the people with an excellent vocabulary will use the simple language so that their device can easily understand what they want and fetch them the most relevant results without multiple attempts. Also, it is advisable to use the direct and quick answer to every single question.

  • Check the length of your sentences and make sure that they should not be more than 1 line long- give or take a few words.
  • It is also believed that the ideal length of a sentence should not exceed 20 words (max) in order to make it reader-friendly (and SEO friendly). Most of the cases, it is possible with just a few extra efforts!
  • Replace industrial jargons with something simple and comprehensible by all even the basic reader. For instance, the SEO professionals can’t expect their potential nontechnical clients to be familiar with the rods like LST, Penguin, Pigeon or On-Page/Off-page!


As voice commands are gaining wide popularity, it certainly makes sense to optimize your site to align best with relevant voice search queries. In case, I you missed to notice this immensely valuable SEO trend during the last year, it is really imperative to implement important voice search optimization tips in 2019 to gain more from your SEO this year There is a significant difference between typing and speaking. So, in this blog, we have highlighted the various voice search optimization tips that will help you to improve your ranking in the relevant voice search queries.